
How To Protect White Collars From Makeup

This is how it normally goes down. You lot are at a store. Y'all encounter a top or dress that interests yous. You take information technology to the fitting room, where you notice a ring of some exasperating woman's foundation around the collar. Y'all are repulsed. You lot then enquire a sales associate if she could please find you a clean one. There are no more in your size. You throw a fit—on the inside.

Finding someone else's Laura Mercier—or worse, fluoro pinkish Urban Decay something-or-other—on a shirt you want to purchase is super gross and inconsiderate, only it'south not like I can just pull a Henry IV and issue a worldwide Edict of Go Shopping Arrant or Else. Until I have that authority, here's the next best affair: seven vivid tips from a retail proficient, a fashion-show dresser, and a makeup creative person on how to slither in and out of wearing apparel like you were never even in that location. Considering if we don't watch out for one some other/one another's potential Zara buys, who will?

Cream products don't dry completely, says Laramie, makeup artist and founder of Book Your Look, which is not keen unless you lot're aiming to give a blazer lapel (that you don't ain) a dewy wait. To preclude transfer, apply sparse layers and follow with a translucent powder and setting spray. And to make any lipstick impossible to smear, use this old Kevyn Aucoin play tricks: Separate a tissue into ii layers, and printing powder over the tissue onto lips. (But amend not wear anything ultra brilliant just in example.)

If you know you're going on a shopping circuit, it might be easier but to choose formulas that won't budge in the get-go place. Laramie recommends Make Upwardly For E'er, which has an entire "Aqua" line, and Stila long-wear lip products.

Ever notice how models get their makeup doneearlier they become dressed? Barbara Berman, owner of BB'S Backstage Fashion Show Dressing Services, says the secret is a silk scarf: Bring one along with you to drape over your face and caput like a beekeeper's mask, and make certain to fold it in around your lips. P.S. Yous could just tie 1 on your bag like so.

Gymnastics: There's no way effectually them. The nicest thing to do is to stride into garments instead of tugging them on over your head, says Klerlie Raymond, in retail sales at Nordstrom and an industry vet of viii years. If it'south a shirt, make sure the opening is broad plenty to go over your caput before attempting to put information technology on—otherwise, use the scarf trick. And in random-but-sort-of-related news, yous know those awkward side-hugs you do to avoid smudging your face on someone's shirt? When yous go in for a hug, says Laramie, merely contort your neck so your head doesn't brand contact. Problem solved. (But take these exercises ready, okay?)

Some stores have in-house alterations and tailoring departments, so a salesperson can just have information technology cleaned and ready for the next customer, says Raymond. Plus, one) it looks bad for the store if it goes dorsum out on the flooring and 2) how could you practise that to your fellow woman, you lot monster?

It doesn't injure to try, right? Raymond says information technology'due south a gamble that could pay off. This is how the stores see it: If y'all're asking, y'all most probable already desire the particular, so if they say no, you might just be a little peeved but buy it anyway. On the other mitt, yous're even more probable to buy if they throw in 10 per centum off.

Raymond says makeup remover wipes volition lift stains, every bit will—surprise!—dish detergent, which is designed to clean oil-based residue anyhow. Shaving foam also makes a great pre-wash treatment.

You should also check out:

21 Genius Hacks for Fixing Ruined Clothes

The No-Bullsh*t Way to Detect Foundation That Matches

The fifteen Emotional Stages of Shopping

Chelsea Peng

I'm Chelsea Peng, the assistant editor at On my tombstone, I would like a GIF of me that's better than the 1 that already exists on the Net and a free fro-yo machine. Besides frozen dairy products, I'm into pirates, carbs, Balzac, and snacking and so difficult I have to get lie down.


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