"Never tattoo your eyebrows." This is one of the primeval beauty tips I ever heard from my mom. It was easy to understand why she'd say this. Outdated countenance tattoo techniques have proven to be faulty.

Some eyebrow artists completely shaved off the eyebrows of their clients and replaced them with tattooed versions of the xc's eyebrows. Equally their pare became droopy, so did their tattooed eyebrows. The initial dark brown shade of their eyebrows slowly turned blood-red, green, or blue.

Why so, did I make my way from the busy streets of Mandaluyong all the fashion to Alabang to get my eyebrows tattooed?

It'due south because I finally found someone who changed the countenance tattoo game in the Philippines.

I first heard about Permanent Makeup Manila online. Celebrities like Nadine Lustre, Denise Laurel, Chi and Gabs Gibbs all credit her for their eyebrows. Bloggers and vloggers like Camille Co, Kryz Uy, Laureen Uy, Michelle Dy, and Say Tioco all had their eyebrows done in Permanent Makeup Manila!

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The person behind Permanent Makeup Manila is Pauline Ylaya. She was a conjugal makeup creative person for four years earlier she pursued cosmetic tattooing.

She'due south also the only Filipino who traveled to Israel to be personally mentored by Moshe Alul, the founder of New Permanent International Studio.

Moshe Alul himself even wrote a recommendation for Pauline. "Who flies halfway across the world to get to a state of war-torn country just to learn? Nobody does. Pauline shows great passion, has a skilled hand, and an middle for detail. I believe in her talent," he wrote.

After researching about all these, I finally decided to have my eyebrows done by Pauline. I was convinced that my brows would be in skillful hands, especially when I found out that only Pauline personally does the procedures. This is why you have to secure a schedule around two months in accelerate. (Exist certain to be early for your schedule!)

Permit me prove you my firsthand experience with Permanent Makeup Manila. I got the Soft Powdered Brows service.

The photo below shows my eyebrows completely makeup-free. My eyebrows are naturally thick, and Pauline says they have a natural arch. She recommended the Soft Powdered Brows for me to refine the shape and to make full out the sparse areas.

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The outset footstep was to put numbing cream. I had it on for xxx minutes. While waiting for it to take effect, I chatted with Pauline about kilays and kakikayan.

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She appeased my (and my mom's) worries about eyebrows turning into blood-red, green, and blue after fourth dimension. She explained that the science behind why they change colors in the beginning place.

She showed me the products she uses and explained, "This pigment line has been on the market for over 25 years. It's used by a lot of artists from all over the world. Not one reported instance of an allergic reaction."

She likened the products to painting. To get a shade of brown, you mix yellow, red, and blue. The aforementioned goes with the products Pauline uses. What I see are different shades of brown, merely those are actually made up of yellowish, blood-red, and blue raw materials.

These raw materials are rated from numbers 1 to 8, 8 being the most long-lasting color. Let'south say your eyebrow artist uses a brown eyebrow tattoo on you lot wherein the red and the xanthous are a level two, and the blue is a level eight. When the xanthous and red accept faded, what will remain of your previously chocolate-brown eyebrows are blue brows.

But non with the products Pauline uses. The raw materials they use are all within the same level, usually levels 6-eight. That means they all fade at the aforementioned fourth dimension. No red, blue, or green eyebrows for you!

Afterward the numbing cream took outcome, Pauline and I sat in front end of her beautiful vanity mirror. She drew different eyebrow shapes on me, and I told her what I liked and didn't like. She also gave suggestions whenever I was confused and indecisive.

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I really capeesh how patient Pauline was with me! She took time to brand sure I got the brows I wanted, and she also had a lot of suggestions. She intentionally gets a limited number of clients a mean solar day, and then that she can give time and attention to all her clients.

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Don't worry about the very dark shade! That'southward merely a temporary eyebrow pencil to aid Pauline see the outline meliorate once she starts doing the tattoo.

Once I was so happy with the shape, I asked Pauline about the color. I take reddish brown pilus right now. Should I also opt for a lighter or reddish shade of chocolate-brown?

Pauline recommended a natural or neutral colour for me instead. Information technology doesn't always follow that your countenance colour should exist exactly the aforementioned as your hair. She did the mixing of the colors, and we proceeded to the tattoo procedure!

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For the most role, information technology wasn't painful. Even as Pauline did the tattoo on me, she continued to add numbing cream. Whenever I would feel a little chip of pain, I would tell Pauline and she would apply more numbing cream on me. (I usually have my eyebrows waxed, and waxing is then much more than painful.)

These are what my eyebrows looked similar after the procedure:

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Here'southward a comparison flick of my eyebrows before and later on the procedure:

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They're really dark. It'south zippo to be worried about. Think of this equally something similar to an eyebrow peel-off tint.

In three days, my skin peeled off to reveal a beautiful, subtle shade. Information technology really looks like I accept nothing on!

Hither'southward a picture of what my eyebrows looked like later on a week :

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I really similar how my new brows await so natural. The patchy spots merely disappeared, but my eyebrows look like they're still mine.

They're also very piece of cake to maintain. Pauline advised me to castor my eyebrows according to my hair's natural management. The hair closest to my eyes should exist brushed up. The ends of my eyebrows should exist brushed downwards. I will then shave and cut devious hair that land exterior the outline Pauline drew.

In the photo higher up, I didn't shave or trim my brows yet, even if the hair on the right side accept grown longer and are slightly sticking out of the outline Pauline drew.

I don't need to reshape my brows or get fixated in the color whenever I put on eyebrow makeup. This saves me a lot of time in the morning.

I'm completely satisfied with my experience in Permanent Makeup Manila, and I already recommended them to mykilay-loving friends!

I'll be posting some other blog postal service and a video with updates on aftercare and maintenance in my web log.

If you take whatsoever questions, please comment them below. I'd exist happy to share more well-nigh my experience with Permanent Makeup Manila.

Permanent Makeup Manila by Pauline Ylaya

Website: www.permanentmakeupmanila.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/permanentmakeupbypaulineylaya/

Instagram: @permanentmakeupmanila

Contact Numbers: 0917-525-9771, 978-5771

Email Accost: info@permanentmakeupmanila.com

Photos by Cleverlyn Mayuga. Clev is a freelance photographer and videographer. For inquiries, you can email her at cleverlynmayuga@gmail.com
